Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The New Wave Of Higher Frequencies Is Within You Now

     Today we are going to activate a new Number Sequence to ensure that you are able to adjust to and merge with the new wave of higher frequencies.  Repeat this sequence many times during the day for the next month at least.  That would be until the 28th of March 2012 and possibly longer.
       As with all Number Sequence Tools, we suggest repeating them in groups of three.  For example the new number sequence:   

11 - 22 - 55 - 66 - 13

is repeated thusly:      11-22-55-66-13,       11-22-55-66-13,       11-22-55-66-13.       At this point,pause and sense any change in your feelings, emotions, physical body or in your surroundings (wherever you are - the space around you may feel or look different).  Continue in this manner until you have a sense, for whatever reason, that you are complete for this Set.  
     Number Sequence Tools are very powerful especially when used in conjunction with other transforming tools like "Prayers" (talking to God, the Universe, the Source of All That Is, etc.);  calling in the "Flames of Light" in different colors depending upon their use;  and calling in Archangel Metatron's  appropriate Sacred Geometric Cube.
       More Number Sequences and other tools like the Green Mist will be coming in future posts.  You who follow this Blog are being truly blessed by the Ascended Masters and the Archangels. 
 The Divine Archangelic Council is sending each of you who read this post a special gift of an anointment that will soothe your very soul and physical body as you finish today's message.
     We close with a word of peace,  Namaste.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Ascended Masters of the 9th Dimension Greet You

     We are stepping down our vibrations to allow all of you to experience the energies of the 6th Dimension.  Simply call upon Archangel Gabriel and ask him to surround you with the Emerald Green Mist of the "6th Level."  Then take 10 slow deep breaths
     Now place your left hand, palm up, out in front of  you as if to receive a gift.  Put your right hand over your Heart.  Imagine, picture or think in words this Emerald Green Mist is flowing into your left hand and up your arm and into your heart.  Next sense your right hand, which is over your heart, is filling with this Mist.  From now on, you have the ability to call this energy into your right hand to use to direct the Emerald Green Mist anywhere you desire for healing.  At the same time you are raising your own vibrations of Light to a higher level. 
     Other actions may be taken with the Emerald Green Mist.  Would you like an energy boost in your  physical body?  Call this energy into your right hand and direct it to your solar plexis by placing that hand over your upper abdomen.  You may have to wait a little while at first before you begin to feel the effects but the more you do this, the stronger the energy gets and the faster you receive the effects.  
      Experiment with placing your hand on different parts of your body:  where it hurts;  where it feels good or healthy;  your joints (especially the knees and elbows);  hands and most especially the bottoms of your feet.
      We thank Archangel Gabriel for his assistance to link our dimension to yours.  He is available to assist whenever you wish to activate the Emerald Green Mist.         

Saturday, February 25, 2012

This Day Is A New Beginning For All

Clearing Negative Feelings and Emotions

Whatever day you are reading this is a new beginning for you.  We, the Ascended Masters and the Archangelic Councils who are transmitting this information, are activating a Unique Symbol  for any and all of you to use to ensure that each of you has an opportunity to make a fresh start.
     Imagine, picture or think in words a large Purple Square with a medium sized Red Circle inside.  In the center of the circle is a small Gold Equal Armed Cross.  This Unique Symbol, as you imagine it, is Clearing the Negative Feelings and Emotions in your Whole Being.  They may be from this life or from another lifetime. 
     Hold this thought, picture or words for a few minutes.  You may be able to feel a lightness beginning to overcome any heaviness in your auric fields.  Keep bringing this symbol to mind over and over as you think of it or this Blog.  The more often you do this, the clearer and clearer you become.
     Remember the Number Sequence (1-3-9-3-0) from a previous post, to clear yourself and/or your surroundings?  This transforming tool also works well used in conjunction with today's unique symbol.  You may alternate them spending a few minutes with each.  
     We are pleased to have this avenue to communicate with each of you and share our wider view of your world.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Next Wave Of Highest Vibrations Is Rolling In

Now is the time to discover new ways to integrate the
newest of energies affecting the lives of everyone.

     There are a few suggestions we have for you at this time:  utilize certain food combinations;  use some individual  herbs and spices;  and   there is available a special blend of herbs and spices.  All of these assist you to integrate all the new energies on the planet
 Certain Food Combinations can do much to help you adjust to the new energies on this planet.  The following are some examples:  eat tomatoes (raw) and plain Almond Milk at the same meal or snack;  combine carrots (raw) and lemon juice;  there is purple cabbage and vinegar cooked together;  also basil and green peas;  and  romaine lettuce with melted (at a low temperature) coconut oil combined with a small amount of orange juice.  To get the most benefit from these combinations, eat and/or drink the combination away from other food and drink except good water.  Wait about 15 minutes before cosuming other parts of your meal or snack or before taking nutritional supplements.  Remember why you are eating/drinking these foods.

There are a few Individual Herbs and Spices that used with your food, do the same thing as the food combinations.  We suggest each of these be the only herb or spice at that meal.  They are: ground Cinnamon; ground or fresh grated Nutmeg;  dried Oregano; and  dried  Marjoram. 

The following recipe is a special blend of herbs and spices that can be used on any food that you desire to help you to integrate all the new energies coming onto the planet now and into through the next months in 2012.
 Vywamus' Integration Seasoning II

Seasoning to ensure complete adjustment to all the new energies
 affecting this planet and everyone on it.

2 1/2  tsp.  Dried Parsley
2 1/4  tsp.  Garlic Powder
2 1/4  tsp.  Onion Powder
      2  tsp.  Dried Oregano
      2  tsp.  Paprika (any kind)
1 1/2  tsp.  Sea Salt (optional)
1 1/4  tsp.  Ground Red Pepper (Cayenne)
1 1/4  tsp.  White Pepper (optional;  no black)
      1  tsp. Ground Ginger
  3/4   tsp. (1/2 tsp. + 1/4 tsp) Dried Marjoram
  1/2   tsp.  Dried Thyme
  1/4   Level tsp. Ground Turmeric
  1/8   Level tsp. Ground Savory
Note 1:  If allergic to any ingredient,  leave it out.   In this case, call upon your own guides and teachers to supply the energy of the item that will be missing from the seasoning.
Note 2:  All measurements are slightly rounded except where it says "level."
Note 3:  We recommend using a mortar and pestle to grind the ingredients together after first mixing them.   Also, when using on your food,  you may grind it again or pinch what you need between your fingers and rub them together crushing the herbs.
Note 4:  It is best to store in a glass container with a secure lid.                                                                                                                                                                                                     


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Best Way To Start The Day

     Begin with a call to your own Highest Selves. Just ask that these aspects of yourself join you as you call your Guardian Angels and the Ascended Masters assigned to your Energy Fields for additional protection as well as to ensure that you are open to the Higher Frequencies of Light that are coming onto the planet this day. Realize that there are new energies every day and you have to adjust to these energies in order to be ready for the next day's (otherwise you will be playing "catch up".)
     Now begin your clearing (first setting your intent in mind) with whatever tools you have in your experience: Chanting a Number Sequence like 1-3-9-3-0 (described in an earlier post) ; Mantras; Turning on your Reiki or other healing modality; Repeating The Lord's Prayer or other words that accomplish the same thing; or any other way you have of getting rid of those energies that came into your energy fields during your sleep.
     The next step in your clearing can be to eradicate those memories (conscious or not) that are affecting your daily life adversely. I suggest you ask your team of Assistants of Light to help you with this. You may also chant another Number Sequence which is three, ten, fifty-five, twenty-five, eleven, two, zero. Also stated:
 3-10-55-25-11-2-0. (We will be underlining any double digit number to indicate that it really is a 2 digit number.) Another way to clear these energies is to Tone. If you are new to Toning, you might start by "humming" the word Ohm on whatever pitch comes out of your mouth. It does not have to be musical or even pretty
Have fun with it!
     I salute you in your efforts to do these clearings and have created a Special Archangel Metatron's geometric cube to assist you. If you desire to use it, simply ask for Archangel Metatron's Special Cube # 4-8-8-7 to surround you with the intent to accomplish all these clearings.
     If you really want to adjust to the new energies coming in daily, Vywamus (a very High Ascended Master) has created a seasoning mix to help your body adapt and adjust to these energies. A copy of the recipe will be included in a future Post.
      I, Archangel Metatron, have assistance from the Spirit Realm as well as from the Physical Plane so we often will use the term "we" or "us" to include those who assist me with this Blog.
     We bid you goodnight (good morning in "our" time zone), pleasant dreams and happy adjusting to the new energies!



Monday, February 20, 2012

Today Is The Day To Begin

     Start the day with a clearing of your Energy Fields.  There are many ways to accomplish this task.  We wrote about one previously: the 1-3-9-3-0 chanted Number Sequence.  Calling upon your particular Assistants In Spirit to help clear you is another.  Repeating Mantras that bring in Higher Vibrations of Light also works.       
     This initiates a level of communication with your Higher Selves, Guides, Teachers, Angels and others who are with you all the time. They bring more Light into your life as well as assist you with even the seemingly smallest task.
     Once you are clear and ready to begin your day, ask your "Team of Assistants" to provide you with those energies that would be in your best interest to accomplish the tasks currently on your path. 
     To keep you on the right track, ask your group to let you feel what it feels like when you are in tune with your reason for being on this planet at this time.  Be patient if you don't sense anything different right away.  Keep asking in your daily clearing session.
     We who assist you, are teaming together to send those of you reading this blog a special gift of those energies that you need to ensure that you are being at the place and time where you are needed most.
     I, Archangel Metatron, am generating more geometric cubes to assist you.  You may call for these new unique "cubes," that are in your best interest, to surround you whenever you wish.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to Accelerate Your Transformation Into the Next Level of Light

     This image is a 2-dimensional representation of one of Archangel Metatron's Geometric Cubes.  If you study it closely for 5 seconds, very intently, you will have taken a step toward accelerating your transformation.
     We suggest that you first use the number sequence given in a previous post of this Blog with the intent to clear yourself of any energies that are less than very beneficial for you. That tool of transformation that is repeated over and over until you feel clear is:
                                one, three, nine, three, zero (also shown as 1-3-9-3-0).
     Now you are ready to study this drawing.  We are inserting two more copies of the cube so you can look at different ones for the 5 seconds required.  This allows your eyes to refocus between the intense visual stimulations. 

      It truly can be intense if you are doing the exercise correctly.  Do STOP if the energies get to be too much for you.  Do NOT compare your experience with this cube with anyone else's.  You are each unique human beings with different experiences.

     If you choose, you may ask my team of assistants to help you with this exercise by calling upon Archangel Metatron's Special Blog Team.                                                                                               

Saturday, February 18, 2012

More From Archangel Metatron

     This day is one of  JOY !
     No matter what your situation in this physical life take a moment to focus on the word JOY.  What feeling do you sense?  Think of a time when you felt joy, or if not joy, something as close as you can come to what you believe joy to be. 
     Now envision, or think, what would the earth be like if everyone on it could experience this sense of lightness?  Imagine that you are able to send everyone on this planet a picture of the most joyous event in your life or a joyous event that you have seen, heard or read about.  Since you are imagining that you can do this,  pretend it is done. 
     You have now, with this little exercise, made the whole earth a lighter more joyous place to be.  Realize that even though you are only one person, when another person joins you in this exercise and then another, and another, even spaced apart by time and space, it truly makes the world a better place.
     By continuing to do this seemingly small thing, over and over, not only do you begin to experience this planet as a more pleasant place to be, the Earth herself is blessed at the same time.  You can be a Healer for the Earth, as well as for yourself, in doing this exercise every day.
     We say until we meet again, be in the joy of each moment. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Date to Notice : Next Wave of New Energy

     Archangel Metatron here,  but you all are used to my cubes and other geometric forms. I do have other tasks.  One of these is to ensure that you all are made aware of the tremendous shifts in the earth's auric fields.  These shifts affect everyone and everything on the planet.  
     The next wave that will be felt by those who are sensitive occurs this weekend on February 19, 2012.  If you are clair-sensitive or just very attuned to the earth, you may feel a "light headed" type of sensation that seems as if you are floating. 
     We (who are assisting all of you to easily change with the shifting of the earth) can help you if you ask.  First of all, you will best be served by asking for a general clearing of your energy fields. 
     See previous blog for a powerful tool for clearing. 

An Introduction

      I am known as the Archangel Metatron.  Most of you probably associate my name with Sacred Geometry but I have other assignments.  One of these is to assist you all in easily changing with the earth's shifts into higher realms.  
     There are many shifts coming and we can assist you during these shifts if you but ask.  First we suggest that you begin by asking for a clearing of your energy fields.  You may call upon your guides, teachers or Ascended Masters, whether or not you consciously know their names, to do this clearing.  You may choose to chant the following numbers, in sequence, over and over until you feel clear:  one; three; nine; three; zero.  Stated another way is: 1-3-9-3-0. This Number Sequence is a very powerful tool to clear yourself and your surroundings. 
     This is one of the tools that we will be sharing in this blog to assist you in coming through this time of great changes "with flying colors."  
     We suggest that you call upon your assistants in Spirit for their help at any time and in any way.  No task is too small.