Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Clearing Guilt Is Most Important

     Many good people have this feeling called Guilt.  Sometimes it is warranted, but MOST of the time it is NOT.   Guilt is there to show you humans that you have "sinned" (for lack of a better English word);  to show you that what you have done is less than a loving thing and should not be repeated.  Once the guilt is shown to you, it has done its job and is ready to be released

      However, so many loving, caring, giving people feel guilt over those things that are NOT truly "sins";  they are "Imagined Sins" that have never done harm to anyone except the one feeling the guilt.  Or if there was a less than loving occurrence, some of these good people hold onto the guilt for sometimes a lifetime;  and others who have really done no wrong feel this guilt and also hold onto it.

     It is time to let go of the guilt!  It is no longer serving its purpose once the real (or imagined) less than loving occurrence has been brought to your attention.  How does one do this?  One way is to chant or repeat (silently or aloud)  a special Sacred Number Sequence:

55 - 22 - 44 - 51 - 10  

     Whatever the cause of the Guilt, this special Sacred Number Sequence clears the guilt.     