Friday, April 20, 2012

This Gift Is A Blessing

     Today's Gift is a Blessing by a special group of Archangels and Ascended Masters.  They are joining together to ensure that you each receive A Very Important Energy Infusion as you read this post and as you do the few things we ask of you in order to receive this special gift.

     First we ask that you do a special clearing by chanting the Sacred Number Sequence:

22 - 55 - 66 - 22 

     We are assisting you as you repeat these numbers so you should be feeling clearer very quickly.

     Next we would like you to ask us (the special group assisting you) to complete the clearing - if needed - and ask us to prepare you to receive the Blessing.  One more thing to do is to simply count from 1 to 22  slowly.

     You have now received the first installment of this Very Important Energy Infusion.  In order to receive the entire Gift/Blessing, you will need to repeat these instructions at least a few more times.  You may skip a day or two or even three if you wish but do the repeats so you will receive the whole of the Gift/Blessing.

     We send you an abundance of Love and Joy!  Namaste.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

This Day Is A New Beginning

     Today is a new beginning for us all.   The Newest Energies entering the Earth's atmosphere are more intense than they have been.  We are here this day to give each one of you assistance to integrate these energies with the least amount of disturbance.  Your part in this is to simply ask for assistance.  To do this, close your eyes, take a few deep slow breaths and call the following Ascended Masters: 
        (1) Vywamus  (2) Holy Mother Mary  (3) Serapis Bey  (4) St. Germain                     

     Once you have called these Masters, ask them to surround you with the Purple-Violet Ray and cover that ray with the Golden-White Christed Light.  Now take four deep breaths.  Then ask these Masters to fill your whole physical system with an Opalescant Light and breathe it into your body.  

     At this time ask these Masters to assist you in integrating the Newest Energies that are surrounding the Earth.  These Ascended Masters will then be with you until you integrate This Newest Energy enough so that you can finish its integration by yourself.

     We send you blessings of great Love and Abundance.   Namaste.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Your Day Is A Joyous New Day!

     It is time to change your attitude from one of any pessimism to one of optimism.  We suggest that you first do your usual clearing of yourself and your surroundings by using one or more of the previously given Number Sequences or by calling upon your own Assistants in Spirit for their help in this clearing or by whatever way feels best to you.

     Now think of an event that caused you to feel joyous.  If you don't find a joyous one, how about a happy one, or at least one that made you smile.  If none comes to mind, please chant the following Sacred Number Sequence until you feel a little lift in your spirits: 
 22 - 55 - 17 - 22 

     You notice that we often use various Number Sequences as Tools for Transformation.  Of course there are other tools but we are partial to these because they work and they work faster than many other tools.

     Now we are going to give you another Sacred Number Sequence to bring your feelings up another several levels or more:
  22 - 44 - 55 - 10   
Repeat until you feel much more of a lift,  more like a happy feeling.

     We have yet one more Sacred Number Sequence to bring your day into a Joyous New Day:
22 - 5417 - 87 

     Repeating these three sequences,  or one or more of these sequences,
 daily will bring each day into a more Joyous New Day.



Thursday, April 5, 2012

Today Is A Day To Be Reborn / Today Is A Day For Being Reborn

     Yes, today is a day for being Reborn.  The "you that was" is leaving your physical system. 
The "you to be reborn" is gathering all that you need to go through all the steps needed to be born anew.
     Choose your favorite clearing method and clear yourself and your surroundings.  Remember we are ever present to assist when you call upon us.  The Divine Ascended Master Holy Mother Mary and The Divine Ascended Master Holy Christ Jesus  are now especially available for these days of Rebirthing. (When you call these Divine Beings Of Light, use their names as we have given them in order to be connected to their most Divine levels of Light.)  
     Now you are ready to ask for the Rebirthing process to begin.  Call the above named Masters as given and say "I am ready to begin this Day Of Being Reborn."

     The next step is to ask for the complete 100% clearing of your whole physical system.  Yes, you have already cleared yourself and surroundings but this is being done at a Higher Level of Light.  You have two Divine Ascended Masters plus any others you have called in when you did the initial clearing.

     Your Chakras need  Special attention now.  With the aid of all the Assistants in Spirit you have called and others who are assisting, ask that all of your currently functioning Chakras be renewed, aligned and moving perfectly.

     Now is the time to ask that your higher chakras be activated as far up as they are capable of being activated.  You will have reached the Christ Consciousness when the 13th Chakra is fully functioning.  You might continue to ask this every day from now on.

     Today you have been Reborn but the Rebirthing process continues....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Clearing Guilt Is Most Important

     Many good people have this feeling called Guilt.  Sometimes it is warranted, but MOST of the time it is NOT.   Guilt is there to show you humans that you have "sinned" (for lack of a better English word);  to show you that what you have done is less than a loving thing and should not be repeated.  Once the guilt is shown to you, it has done its job and is ready to be released

      However, so many loving, caring, giving people feel guilt over those things that are NOT truly "sins";  they are "Imagined Sins" that have never done harm to anyone except the one feeling the guilt.  Or if there was a less than loving occurrence, some of these good people hold onto the guilt for sometimes a lifetime;  and others who have really done no wrong feel this guilt and also hold onto it.

     It is time to let go of the guilt!  It is no longer serving its purpose once the real (or imagined) less than loving occurrence has been brought to your attention.  How does one do this?  One way is to chant or repeat (silently or aloud)  a special Sacred Number Sequence:

55 - 22 - 44 - 51 - 10  

     Whatever the cause of the Guilt, this special Sacred Number Sequence clears the guilt.     

Monday, April 2, 2012

How To Become A Lighter Being Of Light

     We have a newer Sacred Number Sequence for you now:

22 - 44 - 11 - 56 - 11 

     This Number Sequence, repeated as others are, raises the level of Light in your whole physical system.  What makes this sequence special and Sacred is that it is used to eliminate any and all energies that are in your physical system that are keeping you from becoming an
 Ascended Being Of Light
     This Sacred Number Sequence has to be used daily to be effective in bringing you to the level of Light that is needed to be an Ascended Being Of Light. 

     We are ever here to assist you when you ask.   Until next time,                                              Namaste.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Greetings! We Are Back After A Needed Pause

     We first suggest that you bring to mind a memory of an event or experience that you have had for which you feel the need to forgive someone else or you feel the need to forgive yourself.  Then chant one of the previous number sequences from the March 21 Post:          44 - 22 - 15 - 44      
This Number Sequence is used to forgive (and  forget if needed).   Repeat until you sense it is finished for now.  If the memory comes up again, chant this Number Sequence and possibly the following New one.

      Now we are going to give you a  very special  NEW  Sacred Number Sequence.  This sequence is repeated just as all the other Number Sequences have been. 

44 - 55 - 22 - 11 - 22
     This Sacred Number Sequence does what none before it could do.  It completely eliminates any memory that is in your best interest to have eliminated from your physical memory.   Use it when a memory comes to mind that you would rather forget and forgetting it would bring peace to you in relation to that memory.  Chant/repeat this very special Sacred Number Sequence until you feel or sense it is done for now.

     We are supporting each of you who uses these special tools to assist you in lightening your load of less than beneficial memories.    Remember you may call upon those of us in Spirit for help at any time.    Namaste.