Yes, today is a day for being Reborn. The "you that was" is leaving your physical system.
The "you to be reborn" is gathering all that you need to go through all the steps needed to be born anew.
Choose your favorite clearing method and clear yourself and your surroundings. Remember we are ever present to assist when you call upon us. The Divine Ascended Master Holy Mother Mary and The Divine Ascended Master Holy Christ Jesus are now especially available for these days of Rebirthing. (When you call these Divine Beings Of Light, use their names as we have given them in order to be connected to their most Divine levels of Light.)
Now you are ready to ask for the Rebirthing process to begin. Call the above named Masters as given and say "I am ready to begin this Day Of Being Reborn."
The next step is to ask for the complete 100% clearing of your whole physical system. Yes, you have already cleared yourself and surroundings but this is being done at a Higher Level of Light. You have two Divine Ascended Masters plus any others you have called in when you did the initial clearing.
Your Chakras need Special attention now. With the aid of all the Assistants in Spirit you have called and others who are assisting, ask that all of your currently functioning Chakras be renewed, aligned and moving perfectly.
Now is the time to ask that your higher chakras be activated as far up as they are capable of being activated. You will have reached the Christ Consciousness when the 13th Chakra is fully functioning. You might continue to ask this every day from now on.
Today you have been Reborn but the Rebirthing process continues....