Now think of an event that caused you to feel joyous. If you don't find a joyous one, how about a happy one, or at least one that made you smile. If none comes to mind, please chant the following Sacred Number Sequence until you feel a little lift in your spirits:
22 - 55 - 17 - 22
You notice that we often use various Number Sequences as Tools for Transformation. Of course there are other tools but we are partial to these because they work and they work faster than many other tools.
Now we are going to give you another Sacred Number Sequence to bring your feelings up another several levels or more:
22 - 44 - 55 - 10
We have yet one more Sacred Number Sequence to bring your day into a Joyous New Day:
22 - 54 - 17 - 87
Repeating these three sequences, or one or more of these sequences,
daily will bring each day into a more Joyous New Day.