Begin with a call to your own Highest Selves. Just ask that these aspects of yourself join you as you call your Guardian Angels and the Ascended Masters assigned to your Energy Fields for additional protection as well as to ensure that you are open to the Higher Frequencies of Light that are coming onto the planet this day. Realize that there are new energies every day and you have to adjust to these energies in order to be ready for the next day's (otherwise you will be playing "catch up".)
Now begin your clearing (first setting your intent in mind) with whatever tools you have in your experience: Chanting a Number Sequence like 1-3-9-3-0 (described in an earlier post) ; Mantras; Turning on your Reiki or other healing modality; Repeating The Lord's Prayer or other words that accomplish the same thing; or any other way you have of getting rid of those energies that came into your energy fields during your sleep.
The next step in your clearing can be to eradicate those memories (conscious or not) that are affecting your daily life adversely. I suggest you ask your team of Assistants of Light to help you with this. You may also chant another Number Sequence which is three, ten, fifty-five, twenty-five, eleven, two, zero. Also stated:
3-10-55-25-11-2-0. (We will be underlining any double digit number to indicate that it really is a 2 digit number.) Another way to clear these energies is to Tone. If you are new to Toning, you might start by "humming" the word Ohm on whatever pitch comes out of your mouth. It does not have to be musical or even pretty.
Have fun with it!
I salute you in your efforts to do these clearings and have created a Special Archangel Metatron's geometric cube to assist you. If you desire to use it, simply ask for Archangel Metatron's Special Cube # 4-8-8-7 to surround you with the intent to accomplish all these clearings.
If you really want to adjust to the new energies coming in daily, Vywamus (a very High Ascended Master) has created a seasoning mix to help your body adapt and adjust to these energies. A copy of the recipe will be included in a future Post.
I, Archangel Metatron, have assistance from the Spirit Realm as well as from the Physical Plane so we often will use the term "we" or "us" to include those who assist me with this Blog.
We bid you goodnight (good morning in "our" time zone), pleasant dreams and happy adjusting to the new energies!