Monday, February 20, 2012

Today Is The Day To Begin

     Start the day with a clearing of your Energy Fields.  There are many ways to accomplish this task.  We wrote about one previously: the 1-3-9-3-0 chanted Number Sequence.  Calling upon your particular Assistants In Spirit to help clear you is another.  Repeating Mantras that bring in Higher Vibrations of Light also works.       
     This initiates a level of communication with your Higher Selves, Guides, Teachers, Angels and others who are with you all the time. They bring more Light into your life as well as assist you with even the seemingly smallest task.
     Once you are clear and ready to begin your day, ask your "Team of Assistants" to provide you with those energies that would be in your best interest to accomplish the tasks currently on your path. 
     To keep you on the right track, ask your group to let you feel what it feels like when you are in tune with your reason for being on this planet at this time.  Be patient if you don't sense anything different right away.  Keep asking in your daily clearing session.
     We who assist you, are teaming together to send those of you reading this blog a special gift of those energies that you need to ensure that you are being at the place and time where you are needed most.
     I, Archangel Metatron, am generating more geometric cubes to assist you.  You may call for these new unique "cubes," that are in your best interest, to surround you whenever you wish.