We suggest that you first use the number sequence given in a previous post of this Blog with the intent to clear yourself of any energies that are less than very beneficial for you. That tool of transformation that is repeated over and over until you feel clear is:
one, three, nine, three, zero (also shown as 1-3-9-3-0).
Now you are ready to study this drawing. We are inserting two more copies of the cube so you can look at different ones for the 5 seconds required. This allows your eyes to refocus between the intense visual stimulations.
It truly can be intense if you are doing the exercise correctly. Do STOP if the energies get to be too much for you. Do NOT compare your experience with this cube with anyone else's. You are each unique human beings with different experiences.
If you choose, you may ask my team of assistants to help you with this exercise by calling upon Archangel Metatron's Special Blog Team.