Tuesday, February 14, 2012

An Introduction

      I am known as the Archangel Metatron.  Most of you probably associate my name with Sacred Geometry but I have other assignments.  One of these is to assist you all in easily changing with the earth's shifts into higher realms.  
     There are many shifts coming and we can assist you during these shifts if you but ask.  First we suggest that you begin by asking for a clearing of your energy fields.  You may call upon your guides, teachers or Ascended Masters, whether or not you consciously know their names, to do this clearing.  You may choose to chant the following numbers, in sequence, over and over until you feel clear:  one; three; nine; three; zero.  Stated another way is: 1-3-9-3-0. This Number Sequence is a very powerful tool to clear yourself and your surroundings. 
     This is one of the tools that we will be sharing in this blog to assist you in coming through this time of great changes "with flying colors."  
     We suggest that you call upon your assistants in Spirit for their help at any time and in any way.  No task is too small.