Please Note:
It is Very Important to use the words we have given for the Requests, the Asking.
(Of course substituting "my" for "your")
It is always most beneficial to you to greet each day first by Clearing yourself of those less than positive energies that are in your multiple bodies and energy fields.
One way to begin is to chant the previously given Number Sequence 1-3-9-3-0 until you feel clear enough. Then ask for the most beneficial Archangel Metatron's Sacred Geometric Cube to complete the clearing for your highest benefit. Give this a couple of minutes to properly take effect.
If you still feel you need some more clearing, continue chanting the above Number Sequence and if you have a shower, get in it (or get in a tub if no shower is available) and imagine the water is taking away (as it flows down the drain) all that has been brought up to be cleared.
Now comes the Renewal. Again, ask for the Archangel Metatron's Sacred Geometric Cube that is in your best interest to fill your bodies and energy fields with the Highest, Clearest, Lightest Vibrations that your Physical System can hold. (Physical System here includes all your multiple bodies and energy fields.)
Even though this Post is short, it is a Very Important Post to use daily. By using this Clearing and Renewal Procedure, you enable yourself to be in much better communication with all of your Assistants in Spirit. It ensures that you are open to receive their communications in whatever way they are communicating. It also clears, aligns and balances your chakras.
We encourage you to use this routine as often as you can. Namaste