Sunday, March 25, 2012

How To Get To The Heart Of The Matter

      If you want to get to the Heart of the Matter, whatever it may be, first clear yourself and your surroundings.  The most recent Number Sequence for Clearing (given March 16, 2012) is very powerful and the post is worthy of rereading.

      What Matter is it that you wish to get to the Heart of?  Is it a physical challenge,  or a mental question, or perhaps a spiritual  quest?   Any of these can be  addressed with this combination of a unique New Number Sequence to chant  and a Question to Ask.

      Have in mind the Matter you wish to address and chant the following Number Sequence
   21 - 55 - 44 - 22         

      The second part of this combination tool is to call the Highest Level of Archangel Metatron 
and Ask: What do I do to get to the Heart of this matter? 

      Then you put it out of your mind and go about your usual business.  During the course of your activities, you may find yourself thinking of a solution, or an answer to another related question, or some memory may surface  that holds the heart of the matter, or any other thing that could have the answer appears.  It may happen instantly or it may take hours, or days.  Be at Peace.  You have put the matter to the universe so let it go.
       Blessings to you from the Highest Level of Archangel Metatron.