Thursday, March 22, 2012

Now Is The Time To Become A New Being Of Light

     To become A New Being of Light, you need to raise your Light Quotient (the amount of Light your Physical System can hold).   To do this, there are many ways.  We have included some of them in the previous posts:  The Number Sequence ToolsAll of them will raise your Light Quotient to some degree. 
     This next Number Sequence Tool is specifically for the purpose of expanding the area within your physical system where the Light is held:
22 - 44 - 10 - 55 - 44
As you chant this sequence, your physical body and your whole physical system opens to hold more Light.

     Now you need to fill that newly opened space with Light.  Again, the previous Number Sequences we have included in this Blog help in some way to fill this area with Light.  However, this next tool is made for that specific purpose and is a partner to the above Number Sequence.  Use them together.  Chant, think, say the first sequence until you get some sense that it is finished and then chant, think, say the next Number Sequence:
     11 - 22 - 55 - 44 - 10
Say, think, chant this second sequence until you have a sense that it is finished and your physical system is now as full of Light as possible at this time.

 We are pleased to be able to bring you these tools
 for your movement into a New Being Of Light.