Allow this Special Light to fill your whole body and energy fields. Experience this feminine energy as Blue-White in color but warm in feeling. Sense its calming, loving energy. Surround and fill your living space with this light when you are ready to go to sleep. Allow the energy to permeate your bed clothes, your sheets and comforters, your pillows. Notice how you feel when you next awaken.
Now we wish you to be aware of another aspect of this Blue-White Special Light. It has a strength and a special power all its own. Let it into your bodies and energy fields during your waking hours to strengthen your intuition and your knowingness. You may also become more confident and stand up straighter as you begin to feel the power of this energy.
We are known as:
Archangel Hah-nee-el and Archangel Jo-phi-el and Ascended Master Vywamus
and we bless you with this Special Light, sending each of you a gift of this Blue-White Energy.