Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Most Beneficial Sacred Geometric Cubes to Assist You to Ascend

     Three of the most beneficial Sacred Geometric Cubes to assist you in your Ascension are the following: one for healing your Whole Physical System; one for keeping you clear; and one for raising your vibrations into the Ascension levels.
     To begin requesting these Sacred Geometric Cubes, you need to clear yourself using any method that appeals to you. (We have previously posted a Number Sequence Tool for clearing.) Once you have cleared yourself, call upon your own Guides and Teachers as well as your own Highest Selves. then call Archangel Metatron to activate the three Sacred Geometric Cubes mentioned above.
     The first cube activated will begin a process of healing your whole physical system. This includes your mental, emotional and physical bodies as well as your etheric bodies.
     The second cube activated will help keep you completely clear if you use your tools or other means to clear yourself often. It does NOT clear you. It keeps you at whatever level of clearness that you have been able to achieve by using tools of transformation or by asking for assistance from those of us in Spirit.
     The third cube activated will work to raise your vibrations from your current level to a higher level. Raising your vibrations to even the lowest of the Ascension levels could take some amount of time in your time frame. It all depends upon how high your vibrational level is when this cube is activated.
     We are here to assist you at any time. Simply call us and ask for our assistance. If you do not know any Archangel's name or Ascended Master's name, you may call upon one of us listed at the end of each post.
     We send our blessings and feelings of joy to each one reading this post. We are filled with joy to have you working to raise your own vibrational level.